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Customer Testimonials

John and his team were quick, efficient, and always professional. They were excited about helping us out with a small renovation project, and now WE'RE excited to have them help us with bigger projects. Excellent communication through out the entire process, and I have complete confidence in the team's skill set, knowledge and integrity.

Ed Alemany - Rockaway

We are extremely happy with John & teams work from start to finish. John is creative, on-time, competitively priced and very easy to work with. We absolutely recommend John to anyone in need of his services.

George Stewart - Sparta 

John did professional work in a timely manner. It looks great! We appreciated his knowledge and honesty in giving us the initial quote too. He made it easy to complete our project without having to worry about our schedules. We would definitely recommend him and will be keeping him in mind for future projects.

Amy - Andover, NJ

John was very professional, the work was high quality and in particular the moulding/crown work in the kitchen was meticulous. I am looking forward bringing him back for another project soon.

Paul and Debbie Schlenker - Roxbury, NJ

John's attention to detail and creative solutions led to a successfully completed project. He is easy to work with making the start-to-finish process enjoyable.

Jim and Samantha McCann - Andover, NJ

          John Bellomi does excellent work and is extremely reliable. He is a pleasure to work with!!

Judy Hodson - Morris Plains, NJ

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